Biwi Ke Huqooq | Wife Rights in Islam

Comprehensive Islam - Biwi Ke Huqooq Wife Rights in Islam

Having a wife and halal relationship is a beautiful thing in this world in the light of Islam. Therefore, a wife has her rights in Islam that Biwi Ke Huqooq in Quran o Hadees in Urdu should be known by each husband.

Whenever two teenagers become adults, they wish to get married to the person they most admire. They hope to have a well-wisher and a valiant spouse who will provide them with support throughout their lives. Having a life full of joy and a heart full of love is what it’s all about. 

It’s a beautiful experience; it comforts your heart and soul. A house becomes a place of love, care, and shelter. It’s Allah’s favorite deed.

In his Holy Book, Allah Almighty says: 

He signs that He made for you mates from among yourselves so that you can live in calmness with them, and He put love and mercy between your hearts.

This positive relationship can be challenging due to a lack of knowledge and experience. As a result, the house, which was supposed to be a place of peace in this self-centered world, becomes hell on earth. 

It’s both the husband and wife’s responsibility to know each other’s rights to keep this relationship generous. Then they’ll have an admirable relationship for the rest of their lives.

I aim to explain the wife’s rights to the husband in this. 

Biwi Ke Huqooq | Wife Rights in Islam

There are three primary and essential shohar ke zimme biwi ke huqooq and he must give to his wife. 

1) Mehr

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During marriage vows, the husband gives his wife a “Haq Mehr” gift. In Islam, marriage is not valid without specific essential components. One of those elements is “Mehr,” which refers to the money a husband and wife receive.

Quranic verses call it “feedah” and command Muslim husbands to pay it happily. Every man who gets married must pay his wife “Mehr.” It is her legal right. The payment can be in cash or property. The amount is variable, not fixed. We are all included in this because even Prophet Muhammad (SAW) paid for his wife, Mehr.

 “O Prophet, We have permitted you to marry wives, whose dower you have paid.” (Quran, 33:50)

Note for Women Receiving Mehr

It is only the wife’s property, and she should receive it. Her parents and guardians do not own it.

Whenever a husband dies without paying Mehr, his estate should pay it. You can see how important it is in these hadees.

It was Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) who said: “Get up and search for something, even if it is a ring of iron.” (Bukhari).

Mehr, in case of divorce 

During the process of Nikah, a certain amount of Mehr is determined, known as Mehr, that the husband pays to his divorced wife. Therefore, it is still necessary for a man to pay Mehr to his wife, even if he declares his divorce.

In the Quran, Allah Almighty stated: “And if you decide to divorce a wife to take another, you should not take away anything of what you might have given the first wife, even if you had given her a considerable amount of gold. Would you turn back on it by slandering her and breaking the law? (Quran, 4:20)


To summarize, “Mehr” is entirely for the lady and the security of the lady. No one, not even a woman’s parents, siblings, or guardians, can demand her to pay Mehr. Islam establishes an essential requirement for marriage. We pray to Allah that he will grant us the opportunity to live our lives by the teachings of Islam and the Qur’an in the best way possible. Ameen!

2) Alimony ( Nan Nafqa )

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Alimony means providing the wife with clothes, food, and shelter to live even if she is wealthier than his husband. It is a wife’s right.

In Islam, a husband is responsible for his family’s expenses, including those of his spouse. To provide for his family, he has to do this. It is the man’s responsibility to cover all the expenses incurred by his partner, regardless of whether she is a much richer person than he is. There are several specific commandments in Islam, among which is the necessity of nafaqah, which is one of them.

The husband is still liable for the debt if he does not pay it, and it has to be paid upon his demand if he does not. If he refuses to pay nafaqah, an Islamic religious magistrate may divorce them at the wife’s request if he does not pay it.

3) Husn e Salook ( Elegance of behavior)

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Getting respect and love is a fundamental and natural need of human beings, especially women. With love and affection, one can conquer a whole kingdom inside the body; that’s the heart.  

Love is the main ingredient for a person who wants his marital life to be happy and meaningful, but love without respect is just useless, like a body without a soul. 

A woman wants to be treated with love and respect, which is her right because she most needs her husband’s affection and attention. Especially when surrounded by people, one must respect his wife, so the other people won’t even think of hurting her because they know that there is someone to protect her. Believe me, when a woman is sure that he is protective and won’t let me alone in any circumstance, that’s the moment his marital life changes from the worse situation to the best. 

Prophet PBUH says; whoever respects a Muslim, Allah Almighty would respect them. (Bahar ul Anwar )

Prophet PBUH also says; The more perfect a man’s faith is, the more he shows love to his wife. ( Bahar ul Anwar )

Have you read the hades? Now think what the last time you confessed your love to your spouse; if it is today, then it’s okay, but if it is not, then say it after reading the blog. 

Prophet PBUH also says; When a husband confesses his love to his wife, she can’t forget it. “( Shafi) 

Admit to your spouse at least once a day that you love them because that is considered a sign of perfect and solid faith in Islam, according to hadees. 

These are the fundamental rights that a husband must give to her wife; however, for a happier and more successful marriage, I have some tips for you. 

4) Be ethical and polite

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To build a successful relationship, a man needs to show politeness and forgiveness, a man who is harsh may never have the opportunity to experience the true meaning of what it is like to be married. 

It is common knowledge that when a man enters society, he faces many challenges, relationships, and difficulties. For example, his boss mistreats him, sometimes his workload stresses him out, and he is sometimes concerned about his finances.

 Due to all the circumstances, he is highly stressed when he comes home, and a normal conversation against his will causes a significant argument.

This environment kills the peace of home badly, and the children have a very negative impression of their father. Because he hurts their mom, they consider him cruel. When the children grow up, this hatred can become a severe problem.

5) Solution 

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A man must understand that life is full of ups and downs. Everyone on earth has problems in his life; these are natural. However, we cannot control them, so why are we so depressed, and why do these problems affect their personal lives?

It is because they are seeking to control phenomena that are not under their control. So try to take life as a challenge and complete it without hurting anybody, especially your family.

Is your anger helping to solve your problems? How does your harsh attitude affect your wife and children’s minds and souls?

You are following the wrong track if you expect true and unconditional love from your wife in response to such an attitude. Only expect your spouse to treat you with respect and love if you change your behavior.

 Prophet Muhammad PBUH Says; I’m the best among you because I’m ethically and morally good to my family.”

6) Support and Solace

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Husbands need to comfort and support their wives when stressed. Psychologically, women are more emotional and sensitive. Hence, minor problems like housework and kids’ misbehavior can drive her crazy. She’s angry and needs someone to make her the victim; it’s usually her husband.

  Every time you come into the house, if you see she’s not happy, and her facial expression shows she’s anxious, speak to her politely and kindly. Don’t be afraid to show her love and affection. Help her with the housework. She’ll get hurt if you poke fun at her. 

Tell her you to care about her worries, even if she’s not engaged. Talk about the healthy and memorable things in your life.

 Discuss her favorite topic, like your marriage goals, to divert her attention. As a result, she’d be relieved and tell you what her worry was about. Listen to her fully, and you’ll fall in love with her innocence and way of explaining things.

7) Criticism for the betterment

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Anyone can only claim to be right in some aspects, whether it’s their looks or daily routine. Everyone has some qualities and some shortcomings. So a man has to be open-handed. It’s better if he helps her women become devout Muslims with kindness and affection than by force.

Whenever the wife violates her limits, the husband needs to have a meaningful conversation with her about the mistakes she’s making.

It’s okay to criticize her but; be factual and private. 

8) Forgive her mistakes 

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Making mistakes and failing in some aspects of life is something everyone does, except masomeen. Sometimes these mistakes happen because of a lack of knowledge and experience. Both men and women do it. For example, if you are late for a special event, she is mad and criticizes you, yells or screams, and sometimes she hurts you by saying disrespectful words.

Before you respond poorly, be quiet and ignore her. Instead, let her know how much her words and actions hurt you. That’s the only way she can realize her mistake.

Men think their rude behavior will help them control their wives’ attitudes; they’ll make the same mistake again. That’s completely wrong. In the beginning, she’d take it, but later she’d stop respecting you and your opinions because you’re being too harsh on her unintentional errors. In her mind, this attitude would portray a very negative image, and ultimately, the mutual understanding in the marriage would disappear.

Hazrat Ali (A.S)Says; Compromise with your spouse in every matter. Be gentle with her because that will polish her virtuous deeds. (Bahar ul Anwar)

But be sure never to compromise on the rulings of Allah and his Prophet PBUH. 

A person asked Imam Jafar Sadiq (A.S) what the right of a wife to her husband is. If he gives her, will he be considered pious?

He Replied; the husband should provide her with clothes and food, and her husband should forgive her for what she’s done unintentionally. ( Shafi) 

If you have been with me so far, let me share with you a few more healthy tips and practices for a memorable relationship in the Question and Answer section,


What to do if your mom-in-law interferes with your marriage?

If your mother-in-law or any relative of your wife is interfering in your private life, don’t disrespect them or yell at them. Instead, tell your wife about it logically and try to keep them out. Sad moments like arguments between a husband and wife must be kept private because they’ll forgive each other, but their parents won’t. 

Is it appropriate for parents to treat their children differently?

No, Islam doesn’t allow that. We treat boys and girls equally as kids. Arab society regarded having daughters as disgraceful, whereas having sons was considered more appropriate. Prophet Muhammad PBUH, however, changed the entire concept.
According to him
‘There’s no better little one than your daughter.’


Being married is one of the most memorable experiences in one’s life. It provides you with a caring and well-wisher spouse and helps you become a responsible individual if you view the experience as a gift from the Lord. 

May Allah keep all married Coples happy and healthy. This is all about Biwi Ke Huqooq!

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