Why do I get a headache after yoga – Causes, Prevention, and Treatment

why do i get headache after yoga

Ever wondered, “Why do I get a headache after yoga?” If so, you’re not alone. Yoga is typically linked with relaxation and wellness, but it can surprisingly result in headaches for some. In this easy-to-read guide, we’re going to unpack this curious phenomenon. We’ll explore potential causes, prevention methods, and ways to alleviate this discomfort.

 By the end, you’ll have a clear path to enjoying your yoga routine headache-free. Please stick with us as we illuminate this unexpected side of yoga. Let’s unravel the mystery together!


A significant factor contributing to post-yoga headaches is dehydration. While yoga may not seem as intense as other forms of exercise, it can still lead to substantial fluid loss, especially during hot yoga or prolonged sessions.

 Dehydration disrupts the balance of salts and sugars in your blood. Consequently, your body starts to struggle, leading to headaches.

 Dehydration headaches occur due to reduced blood volume, causing a decrease in the amount of oxygen and nutrients the brain receives. To avoid this, ensure you’re well-hydrated before, during, and after your yoga practice.

Hunger and Hypoglycemia 

Adequate nutrition plays a vital role in preventing post-yoga headaches. Eating enough before your yoga session or replenishing your energy with a nutrient-rich snack afterward can prevent your blood sugar levels from dropping.

 This condition, known as hypoglycemia, often leads to headaches due to the brain’s insufficient energy supply.

  •  Signs of hypoglycemia include headaches, dizziness, shaking, and fatigue. 

To prevent this, try eating a light, balanced meal or snack for about 1-2 hours before practicing yoga. Post-session, consider a snack that combines protein, healthy fats, and carbohydrates to replenish your energy and stabilize your blood sugar levels.

Incorrect Technique 

Proper form is crucial in yoga to reap the maximum benefits and avoid unnecessary strains or injuries. 

 New practitioners or individuals transitioning to more advanced poses are particularly susceptible. Always pay attention to your body alignment during each pose to avoid this.

 If you need guidance, seek guidance from a certified yoga instructor to ensure you perform the poses correctly.

Inversion Poses 

Inversions are yoga poses where the heart is positioned higher than the head. Examples include the Downward-Facing Dog, Headstand, and Handstand. While these poses have numerous health benefits, including increased blood flow toward the head. 

 Remember, always listen to your body and move at your own pace. There’s no need to rush into advanced poses; the journey is just as important as the destination in yoga.

 Improper Breathing 

One of the essential aspects of yoga is pranayama, the control of breath.

Holding your breath or breathing too rapidly during your yoga practice can disrupt this balance, causing a decrease in body oxygen supply to the brain, which may result in a headache. 

Understanding and practicing proper breathing techniques are crucial. In yoga, the breath should be steady, deep, and controlled, in sync with your movements. 

Correct breathing will become more intuitive with practice, improving your yoga performance and overall well-being.

Bright Lights and Environmental Causes 

Environmental factors can often be overlooked when considering the causes of post-yoga headaches. Bright lights, especially in indoor yoga studios, can lead to eye strain and subsequent headaches.

 Moreover, a room with poor ventilation may have increased carbon dioxide levels, which could also contribute to headaches.

 If you’re practicing outside, sun exposure can also cause dehydration, leading to headaches. Adjust the lighting to a comfortable level, ensure proper ventilation in your practice area, and protect yourself from excessive sun exposure if you practice outdoors.

Muscle Tension and Preparation 

Tight muscles, particularly the neck, shoulders, and back, can lead to tension headaches. Yoga can sometimes exacerbate this if not done correctly, especially in beginners or those with pre-existing muscle tension.

 It’s important to warm up your muscles before starting your yoga session with some light cardio or stretches. 

Furthermore, learning to relax and release tension in your muscles during your yoga practice can prevent muscle-related headaches. 

Low Blood Sugar

Similar to hunger, low blood sugar can cause headaches after yoga. As you move through various yoga poses, your body burns glucose for energy. If you’re practicing yoga on an empty stomach or your last meal was a while ago, your blood sugar levels may drop, leading to a hypoglycemic state. 

This condition can cause headaches, dizziness, and even fainting in severe cases. To prevent this, try having a small, balanced snack before your yoga practice, and refuel post-workout with a meal rich in complex carbohydrates, protein, and healthy fats.

Prevention, Diagnosis, and Treatment 

Prevention of headaches after yoga largely involves addressing the potential causes discussed above. Stay hydrated, nourish your body with balanced meals and snacks, learn correct techniques and breathing practices, and respect your body’s limitations. 

If you persistently experience headaches after yoga, seeking medical advice is important. 

A doctor can help determine if the headaches are related to your yoga practice or a symptom of an underlying condition.

 It might involve medication, changes in your diet or lifestyle, or modifications to your yoga practice.

Home Remedies and When to Consult a Doctor

Home remedies for post-yoga headaches include drinking water to replenish lost fluids and electrolytes, eating a nutrient-rich snack or meal to stabilize blood sugar levels, and resting in a quiet, dimly lit room to relieve tension headaches.

Gentle neck and shoulder massages can also help alleviate muscle-related headaches. If your headache persists for several hours or is severe, or if it’s accompanied by other symptoms such as high fever, blurred vision, difficulty speaking, or loss of balance, seek immediate medical attention. It indicates a more serious condition that requires professional treatment.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can yoga cause headaches?

 Yes, yoga can sometimes cause headaches due to various factors such as dehydration, hunger, incorrect techniques, overexertion, and environmental causes. However, these can usually be prevented with proper care and practice.

How can I prevent headaches after yoga?

 Stay well-hydrated, nourish your body with balanced meals and snacks, learn and apply correct techniques and breathing practices, avoid overexertion, and ensure a conducive environment for your practice. 

What can I do if I get a headache after yoga?

 Resting, staying hydrated, and eating a balanced meal or snack can help. If the headache persists or is severe, seek medical advice.

Why do I get a headache after hot yoga?

Hot yoga leads to increased sweat, which can cause dehydration. Dehydration can often result in headaches. Ensure to hydrate well before, during, and after hot yoga sessions.

Can incorrect yoga poses cause headaches? 

Yes, incorrect yoga poses can cause unnecessary strain on your neck and shoulders unnecessarily, leading to tension headaches. Always ensure proper form and technique during your practice.

Can an inversion pose in yoga cause headaches?

 Yes, inversion poses can cause an increase in blood flow to the head, potentially leading to a headache, especially in those unaccustomed to such poses.

Can the environment cause post-yoga headaches?

Factors like bright lights, poor ventilation, or excessive sun exposure can cause headaches after yoga.

What should I eat before and after yoga to prevent headaches?

Try having a light, balanced meal or snack for about 1-2 hours before practicing yoga. After the session, choose a meal or snack combining complex carbohydrates, protein, and healthy fats.

What if I always get a headache after yoga?

 If you persistently experience headaches after yoga, seeking medical advice from a doctor is important.

Is it normal to get a headache when starting yoga?

 Yes, it can be normal when starting due to unaccustomed muscle use, incorrect technique, dehydration, or even anxiety about trying something new. These should lessen over time as your body adapts to the practice.


Remember to hydrate, eat well, practice correct posture, and ensure a conducive environment for your yoga practice. Yoga should enhance your health journey, not hinder it. So, don’t let these headaches deter you from your path to inner peace and physical strength. Continue your practice, stay informed, and stay healthy.

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